East Hampton, NY




Throughout the rooms and common areas of The Art House guests can view the elaborate collection of original works by resident artists and proprietors Michael Cardacino and Rosalind Brenner.

Michael and Rosalind's studios are located on the property and guests are welcome in the studios anytime to witness first hand how the incredible pieces are made.

To view more of Michael and Rosalind's work visit their websites:



Main Common Living Area on First Floor

Main Common Living Area on First Floor

First Floor Hallway - Rosalind Brenner's Abstract, Watercolor and Sumi Ink on Japanese Paper

First Floor Hallway - Rosalind Brenner's Abstract, Watercolor and Sumi Ink on Japanese Paper

Rosalind's Studio

Rosalind's Studio

Rosalind Brenner and Michael Cardacino

Rosalind Brenner and Michael Cardacino

3D Printed Shark Sculpture

3D Printed Shark Sculpture

3D Printed Shark Sculpture - Michael Cardacino

3D Printed Shark Sculpture - Michael Cardacino

3D Sculpture The Root Cause - Michael Cardacino

3D Sculpture The Root Cause - Michael Cardacino

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Michael’s Studio Workshop

Michael’s Studio Workshop